We made it to Oklahoma and my oh my!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hey everybody!! We made it to Oklahoma. We are still looking for a home and the search, well let's just say we'll be in the hotel for a few more days!! I tell you i really did not prepare myself for the lack of knowledge we have received from the real estate agencies here.
Today was not a good day for house looking. Some of the things the normal person would ask for seem foreign to some of these people. For example 1) good schools(cameron starts pre-school this year he's 4)2)good daycare/church with a pre-school program. 3)areas that are growing. These are just a few examples!!
We went to Verizon to buy new phones because i really needed another one and DaMond just wanted to update his to a blackberry - not good. So we buy two blackberrys and switch our service from alltel to verizon because they will soon be one b/c verizon is buying alltel. Well long story short and 3 hours later, the guy can't tranfer my phone numbers to my BLACKBERRY!!
What's up with that??? He say's they don't have the cord to fit my phone to transfer my numbers!! Totally not my day!!
In the meantime DaMomnd is just loading is stuff on his phone and i'm adding numbers to mine.
Luckily DaMond felt sorry for me (because he was the one who really wanted to switch) so he's loading my numbers!! yea!
You really needed to be here to hear some of the things these ladies were telling us at this real estate agency. Later tonight DaMond and I laughed about it but it was not funny when it was happening. We were completely in awe at some of the answers we were receiving today.
Good night all, hopefully I will be back to scrapping soon.
Hopefully we will have a better day tomorrow
August 20, 2008 at 9:45 AM
I wish this were not all so funny! More funny that is is not happing to me!!
Keep us posted on life in OK!!!